Successful PhD defenses for the first-generation HKU PhD graduates

August 18, 2023, is a significant day for Mr. Jiarui Zhao and Mr. Chengkang Zhou, as on this day they have successfully defended their Ph.D. thesis with the title “Disorder Operators, Entanglement Entropies, and Dynamic Spectra in Strongly Correlated Quantum Spin Systems:A Quantum Monte Carlo Study” and “Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of dimension tunability phenomena in the quantum spin system”. They are the first-generation HKU PhD graduates from Zi Yang Meng’s group. Congratulations to Dr. Jiarui Zhao and Dr. Chengkang Zhou! Continue reading


不知道为什么,最近几年来,不佞总是遇到这些有独特、决绝、悲愤、戏谑,又充满了才华的会稽人。并从他们的身上,收获了很多的乐趣和眼下龌龊环境中难得的慰藉。严生不拘于时从不佞游,尔来已经四年矣。而正是因为他的才华、决绝、戏谑和努力,工作得到了多方的认可,很快就要回到西湖边的一所学校开创新的量子多体计算研究事业。不佞一面为他高兴,一面也觉得是时候给严生写一篇赠序了。Continue reading

当 H-index 追上年龄的时候,该做些什么? | 量子多体中的坟

H-index 做为衡量研究人员——也就是当代的读书人——而设计出的一个量化标志,本身是一个客观的指标,没有好恶的分别。但是不佞日前注意到自己的 H-index 也赶上了年龄,却莫名地产生出浓重的焦虑,焦虑之下遂开始琢磨此事背后的历史、文化和心理内涵,不琢磨则已,越琢磨越发现此事大有问题,以至于几乎引发了不佞的中年危机,用了好多天才走出来,遂决定把这番自我解剖的痛苦历程,拿出来与同好同行分享,以慰往者,以飨来者。 Continue reading


本文是为中国物理学会 Chinese Physics B 30周年刊庆邀请撰写的综述文章:A sport and a pastime: Model design and computation in quantum many-body systems 所做的创作谈。从文章发表到今天,不过两个月时间,但这两个月内世界变化之快如同梦境。穿行在分裂的世界中,我们几近不能分辨现实是否只是梦境的替身,抑或是这世上太多人都因为失去了记忆而变得只是随着风向空转。趁着我们还没有失去记忆,在这里记录下综述文章中量子多体问题模型设计与计算求解的物理学内容,和在完成这篇30多页的科学论文时,我们的内心寄托。希望能够在这个没有信用的世界中,留下一些信用的记录。 Continue reading

Advanced computing system ‘Blackbody’ for solving the challenging physics problems

To pursue advances in astronomy, quantum physics, and interdisciplinary science, our research teams worked together to deploy a new supercomputing system, named ‘Blackbody’ supercomputer -- the name stems from their respective research topics of ‘Black hole’ and ‘Quantum many-body‘ physics. The system has been set up in fall 2022 and is currently in full operation. Thank you for the hard work and Congratulations for all the participants! Continue reading


漫长的告别 | 量子多体中的呐喊与彷徨之十三

本文表达了一种科研的硬汉风格,创造性的科研工作不仅要求参与者投入自己的全部性情来进行,而且——也许是更重要的——需要参与者通过投入而培养出自我科研风格和对身处的科学共同体的洞察力。正是这样的风格,让我们在重锁的浓雾里看到追求科学的那股最纯粹的力量还在,希望它能开拓新的领域,启发和激励后来的探索者。 Continue reading


一个好的猜想,值得一个漂亮的证明,和一些恰到好处的推广。从路径积分虫洞效应出发,我们的工作提供了理解好蛋大爷的纠缠谱猜想的一个好的思路,也孵出了额外的“好蛋”。... 某天,鄙人在听复旦理论物理报告之时,正好讲到纠缠谱和拓扑物态的关系。受限于目前的数值技术,人们只能研究一维量子系统的纠缠谱。这启发了笔者的一个想法:通过量子蒙卡结合数值解析延拓技术,求解纠缠谱。后面的故事,就这么展开了。 Continue reading


Predict the novel entangled states on programmable quantum simulators

Quantum dimer models are known to host topological quantum spin liquid phases, and it has recently become possible to simulate such models with Rydberg atoms trapped in arrays of optical tweezers. By means of large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations ... we find distinct odd and even Z2 spin liquids, along with several phases with no topological order: a staggered crystal, a nematic phase, and a trivial symmetric phase with no obvious broken symmetry. We also present dynamic spectra of the phases, and note implications for experiments on Rydberg atoms. Continue reading