Successful PhD defenses for the first-generation HKU PhD graduates

August 18, 2023, is a significant day for Mr. Jiarui Zhao and Mr. Chengkang Zhou, as on this day they have successfully defended their Ph.D. thesis with the title “Disorder Operators, Entanglement Entropies, and Dynamic Spectra in Strongly Correlated Quantum Spin Systems:A Quantum Monte Carlo Study” and “Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of dimension tunability phenomena in the quantum spin system”. They are the first-generation HKU PhD graduates from Zi Yang Meng’s group. Congratulations to Dr. Jiarui Zhao and Dr. Chengkang Zhou! Continue reading





其实,电子的世界亦如此。配对的电子,一旦形成一个纠缠态,无论相距多远,它们都能感受到彼此的“心意” (自旋)。它们一个向上,一个向下,仿佛约好了似的。只要有一方改变状态,那么另一方就会立刻感受到,并且调整成与对方相反的状态。Continue reading

Unitary CFT description of DQCP is denied from quantum entanglememt entropy

The research team developed a new and more efficient quantum algorithm of the Monte Carlo techniques adopted by scientists to measure the Renyi entanglement entropy of objects. With this new tool, they measured the Rényi entanglement entropy at the DQCP and found the scaling behaviour of the entropy, i.e. how the entropy changes with the system sizes, is in sharp contrast with the description of conventional LGW types of phase transitions. Continue reading