AI and quantum physics (and ancient Greece and mahjong)

In this interview with HKU science editor, Dr Pavel Toropov, Professor Meng explains why AI is now indispensable in quantum physics research ­– by allowing us to circumvent the need for enormous computational complexity, AI can help to make breakthroughs and in the process help us to understand better of mother nature and ourselves. This leads to discoveries of quantum materials whose properties, such as superconductivity and entanglement, can change the world. The technology may be cutting edge, but the principles involved, says Prof Meng, go back to ancient greek maxim - know thyself, and the whole thing is similar to playing mahjong. Click here for the interview.

旧锦新样 | 寂静春天里的动力学

在这样混乱嘈杂的春天里,哪里能找到寂静,哪里能找到新的生机酝酿时静默却不可阻挡的力量,是考验从业人员实力、修为和气魄的大问题。春天当然是动态的,但是动态要有一个静的表面,新发现孕育的时候如林间的野花幼苗,阳光雨露之下静却决绝。一开始就熙熙攘攘热热闹闹,混淆了心智,耗尽了力气,怎么可能看到成熟和收获呢? 就是在这样的考虑之下,笔者和朋友们决定在凝聚态物理学量子多体计算的领地中,在这个春天里培育一株幼苗,小心地浇灌它,期望它成长为凝聚态物理学量子多体计算领地中的大树。这株幼苗,就是量子多体系统的动力学性质计算。 Continue reading

旧锦新样 | 百年孤独和一级相变

编者按:最近某次关于分数陈绝缘体相变问题的讨论,涉及到多体系统作用量三阶项会导致一级相变的故事,勾起笔者对一段往事的追怀,想起八年前这篇游戏文字。文字背后的物理现象是在阻挫三角晶格横场 Ising model 量子临界点上,作用量三阶项消失,QCP 展现 emergent continuous symmetry;而在阻挫六角晶格横场 Ising mode 的量子临界点上,作用量三阶项不消失,QCP 为一级相变。这个故事背后的研究论文是 [Phys. Rev. B 96, 115160 (2017)]。类似的故事,笔者和合作者最近研究三角晶格量子环路模型相图的工作中,亦有所体现 [Commun Phys 7, 207 (2024)情愿不自由,便是自由了 | 量子多体中的呐喊与彷徨之十二]。不想如今这样的现象又在分数陈绝缘体相变问题中改头换面地出现。可见马尔克斯百年孤独的经典开头诚不我欺,“多年之后面对 ……” 这样的事情,在个人的生命历程中总是反复地出现,一如身处的环境总在重复其文化历史基因中的错误一样。值得记取的教训,除了马贡多小镇无法摆脱的悲剧宿命和多体系统作用量三阶项会导致一级相变,恐怕还是“学好蒙特卡洛,不会被忽悠”。 Continue reading

Advanced computing system ‘Blackbody’ for solving the challenging physics problems

To pursue advances in astronomy, quantum physics, and interdisciplinary science, our research teams worked together to deploy a new supercomputing system, named ‘Blackbody’ supercomputer -- the name stems from their respective research topics of ‘Black hole’ and ‘Quantum many-body‘ physics. The system has been set up in fall 2022 and is currently in full operation. Thank you for the hard work and Congratulations for all the participants! Continue reading


from Quantum Materials to the Origin of Black Holes

In the time of quantum technology and big data, scientists start to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computational approaches into the fundament research about our mother Nature and Universe. This series of two lectures will help us to unfold such interesting discovery processes. Dr Zi Yang MENG, Associate Professor at HKU Department of Physics, will explain the important role played by AI and computation in the modern quantum material research in the first lecture. Find more


这个题目乍一看有点儿戏谑,甚至有些许少儿不宜的味道,其实《无愁河的浪荡汉子》是木刻家、画家、作家黄永玉在80多岁时开始写作的以自己为原型的人生自传,目前已经出到第三部。第一部《朱雀城》从传主张序子两岁开始,写他的太婆、爷爷、父亲母亲、姑姑和表叔们——其中一位表叔就是写出《边城》、《长河》和《中国古代服饰研究》的沈从文——一个大家族,和他们生活的朱雀古城(以湘西凤凰为原型),古城的四季时光、风俗民情与繁华时的荣耀。 Continue reading



十四行诗,英文叫Sonnet,老一辈翻译家还曾根据音译翻成商籁体,很好听。其实是欧洲的格律诗,最初是小诗、小歌谣,也不一定十四行,随着历史的演进十四行诗句的格式逐渐被定型下来,而且押韵结构也有了严格的限制。在文艺复兴时的意大利,有了彼特拉克体(Petrarchan Sonnet),音韵优美,以歌颂爱情为主。一般分为两部分,前一部分由两段四行诗组成,韵脚为a-b-b-a,a-b-b-a;后一部分由两段三行诗组成,韵脚为c-d-e,c-d-e。 Continue reading


三昧是佛教里的话,是说修行的人能够止息杂念,心神平静,进入禅定,一窥事物的真谛。我们这些俗人,又生活在俗世,每天都在吃喝拉撒中辗转,应付尚且不足,禅定更不可及,离三昧境盖益远矣。大先生有篇著名的文章,叫《世故三昧》,很短,很有趣,把在人世间难得三昧的窘境和苦境写得通透,感兴趣的读者可以找来看看,一定强过阅读下面带着公式和图表的物理八股。 Continue reading