
一个好的猜想,值得一个漂亮的证明,和一些恰到好处的推广。从路径积分虫洞效应出发,我们的工作提供了理解好蛋大爷的纠缠谱猜想的一个好的思路,也孵出了额外的“好蛋”。... 某天,鄙人在听复旦理论物理报告之时,正好讲到纠缠谱和拓扑物态的关系。受限于目前的数值技术,人们只能研究一维量子系统的纠缠谱。这启发了笔者的一个想法:通过量子蒙卡结合数值解析延拓技术,求解纠缠谱。后面的故事,就这么展开了。 Continue reading

Predict the novel entangled states on programmable quantum simulators

Quantum dimer models are known to host topological quantum spin liquid phases, and it has recently become possible to simulate such models with Rydberg atoms trapped in arrays of optical tweezers. By means of large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations ... we find distinct odd and even Z2 spin liquids, along with several phases with no topological order: a staggered crystal, a nematic phase, and a trivial symmetric phase with no obvious broken symmetry. We also present dynamic spectra of the phases, and note implications for experiments on Rydberg atoms. Continue reading


发明量子多体问题算法的人,多与普通人不同。他们身上有一种得道高僧、终南隐士的先知之气,往往想要扬弃和重新评价流俗所看重的种种价值观念,率性而为以至于不被社会所理解,甚至被视为狂士和疯子。这其中的原因,恐怕还是来自于在量子多体问题中发明算法本身的难度。Continue reading