A collaboration between Mr. Ting-Tung Wang, Mr. Menghan Song, and Professor Zi Yang Meng from the Department of Physics at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) together with their collaborators Liuke Lyu and William WITCZAK-KREMPA from the University of Montreal has recently developed a novel algorithm in quantum physics known as ‘entanglement microscopy’ that enables visualization and mapping of this extraordinary phenomenon at a microscopic scale. Their study was published in a recent issue of Nature Communications. Using the algorithm, one can uncover the hidden structures of quantum matter, revealing insights that could transform technology and deepen the understanding of the universe. Continue reading
Month: January 2025
「布達佩斯火星人」都是猶太人,有着類似的童年生活、相似的認知能力、教育和職業道路。仔細發掘這些火星人的成才之路,可以為我們在自己的社會中培養火星人有些啟發。Continue reading
科学探索注重独立思考和挑战权威,这样的传统是从希腊到文艺复兴再到19世纪末20世纪初的美好年代一路走来的文明传统,而不是八股和科举的传统。科学的繁荣和艺术的繁荣总在一起发生不是巧合,它们都被同样的创造性传统所孕育。科学工作者叩问自己科研生命时遵从哪个传统,是一个需要认真对待的问题。Continue reading