Xiaoxue Ran

PhD candidate

Department of Physics, HKU

Room 418, CYM Physics Building

Email: xxran@connect.hku.hk

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Research interest

Quantum Monte Carlo simulation, Quantum many-body systems


Aug 2021 - present       The University of Hong Kong
                                               PhD student
Sep 2017 - Apr 2021      Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
                                               Master of Science, Condensed Matter Physics
Sep 2013 - Jun 2017      Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
                                               Bachelor of Science, Material Physics

Publications (* Corresponding author; # Contribute equally)
Sep 13 2023 “Cubic* criticality emerging from a quantum loop model on triangular lattice”
Xiaoxue Ran, Zheng Yan, Yan-Cheng Wang, Junchen Rong, Yang Qi, Zi Yang Meng*
arXiv:2309.05715 (2023)
Phys. Rev. B 109, L241109 (2024)
May 12 2023 “Classical fully-packed loop model with attractive interactions on the square lattice”
Bhupen Dabholkar#, Xiaoxue Ran#, Junchen Rong, Zheng Yan, G. J. Sreejith, Zi Yang Meng*, Fabien Alet*
arXiv:2305.06458 (2023)
Phys. Rev. B 108, 125112 (2023)
Sep 23 2022 “Fully packed quantum loop model on the square lattice: phase diagram and application for Rydberg atoms”
Xiaoxue Ran, Zheng Yan*, Yan-Cheng Wang, Junchen Rong, Yang Qi, Zi Yang Meng*
arXiv:2209.10728 (2022)
Phys. Rev. B 107, 125134 (2023)
May 11 2022 “Hidden orders and phase transitions for the fully packed quantum loop model on the triangular lattice”
Xiaoxue Ran, Zheng Yan*, Yan-Cheng Wang, Rhine Samajdar, Junchen Rong, Subir Sachdev, Yang Qi*, Zi Yang Meng*
arXiv:2205.04472 (2022)
Commun Phys 7, 207 (2024)
Mar 11 2019 “Criticality and Scaling Corrections for Two-dimensional Heisenberg Models in Plaquette Patterns with Strong and Weak Couplings”
Xiaoxue Ran, Nvsen Ma*, and Dao-Xin Yao*
arXiv:1902.00299 (2019)
Phys. Rev. B 99, 174434 (2019)
2021 Outstanding Graduates, School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University
2019 National Scholarship for Graduate Students, Chinese Ministry of Education
2019 Outstanding Poster Award for Graduate Students, Guangdong Physics Society
2016 Scholarship for Outstanding Performance Undergraduate Students, Sun Yat-sen University
2015 Second Prize of the 4th National Metallographic Skills Competition for College Students, Chinese Ministry of Education