
最近也有这样几个充满希望的青年人,在我身边学习和工作了几年之后,也要开始各自人生的下一个阶段。机缘巧合,整理了几块定制的麻将,做为鼓励他们走上人生的下一个阶段的礼物。想要表达的,其实是希望我们大家都不要落入文化和历史基因的循环,不要被科举制度的死灰复燃所迷惑。要记得人的自证(希腊),人的觉醒(文艺复兴),人与人的存在关系(美好年代),把创造性的能量发挥到极点,这样的历程在我们身在的环境中还远没有完成,还需要我们一起完成。Continue reading

Bye, Mr. Zhang

Congratulations from Zi Yang:

August 6, 2024, is a significant day for Mr. Xu Zhang, as on this day he has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis with the title “Electromagnetic response in two dimensional flat band systems”. He has greatly impressed the Examining Committee comprised of Profs. Xi Dai and Ning Wang from HKUST and Profs. Wang Yao and Dong-Keun Ki from HKU, in clearly presenting the major research outputs during his Phd years in HKU, as well as addressing the interesting questions spontaneously appeared during the defense. Congratulations to Dr. Xu Zhang! And hope him a successful next step and becomes the next rising star in theoretical condensed matter physics. Continue reading